Sunday, August 31, 2008





Saturday, August 23, 2008

BreaK TimE

ResulT ouT oLeDi......
Finally cOmplete d course......
wIll ContinuE mY deGree nEx year......
aLL d nexT intakE of my deGree coUrse wiLL bE nex yeaR JAN or FEB.....
So.... i WiLL haVE Few MonTh Freee.... i tHink!!!!

waT to Do durinG tIs breaK?????
FeeL liKe waN to fInd a joB n wOrk 1st.......
sO.... haVe anYone have joB TaT caN intrO for Me....???
HeHeHe~~~~ hOpe wILL fInd a JOb sOOnNNn~~~~

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

GentinG TriP~~~

Juz Come bacK froM GentiNg yesterDaY.....

Long tIme tat i dIdnt gO gentIng v my faMily dy.....

wheN v having our breakfast,
suddenlY daddy asK....

"feeL like waNNa go Genting o.... how bout Ur guys?? waNa gO??"

For me... d word in my deep heart which is "nop...pls.."

HaHa~~ sound sO baD!!!!

BUt my sisteR looK so high n say... "waN...wan...waN..."

SWT!!!! (*_*III)

in D enD.... v r gOing~~~~

im going toO~~

coS reaLLy long tIme tat i didnt go trip n spend time v family dy~~~

WoO~~~ there r full house in all genting hotel...

i think is bcos of school holidaysSssS now......

Erm.... v r staying at HighLandS hotel....

The wheather r not cold....

n i spend most d tIme at room to sLeep....KaKaKa~~

i prefer sLeep compare to plaY~~~xixi~~~

Here r sOme pIcture tat taking by my brotheR....

Sunday, August 17, 2008

D DaysSs~~~

Wah~~~ aLmosT 10++ days TaT i dIdnt update mY bloG dy~~~
FeeL lazY n recently dun hv anY specIal matter tO recoRd~~~~

Im stiLL in d holiday now...waIting for my reSult.....
n tHinking tat should i transfer tO other cOllege
or jUz continue at HELP~~!!!
Im no Idea~~~~

DarlinG spend his day for me after he come bacK from worK.~~~
whicH is alomost 2 week tat i didnt see Him~~~
tIs is d 1st tiMe of him tat gOing tO work n wHich is outstation wOrk~~
i scOld him 'Gao Gao'~~~kaka~~ cos he didnt buy anythg for me~~~

I saId... " y i hv tIs kind of Bf???"....
He diam diam.......
acTually im ok for tis bcos he not d kind bf tat romantic~~
bUt after 1 or 2 day...
wheN v going tO watch movie....
suddenly he say.....
after i take my 1st salary....
u go n choose a bag which is u like....
go n buy it~~ i will paid for it~~~
kaka~~~ i think his half of salary will gone.....
So.... stIll thinking wana buy or nop????
cos i know he r care waT im said.... n caring me too~~~

Lee CW didnt get d gold Medal~~~
buT still pround of Him~~~

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Erm.... FinisH my FinaL exam YesterdaY~~~
n Go Setapak to find my friendS 'yam cha'....
v spend almost 4 hours to chit-chat~~~
driNk n eaT at Old-town coFFee.....
n secoNd rounD at Steven's conner......
Reach hoMe around 3.30am~~~
tHen on9 surfing until 5am~~~

long tIme tat i didnT sleep as late lIke laz nite Oledi~~~
wake up in D morninG n Feel headache~~~kakaka~~~
Sister caLL me n waKe me uP~~~
chaT some non-serious thing~~~waKaKa~~~

Im so carE to somEone~~~
wisH he wiLL understand mE~~~

Friday, August 1, 2008

I mIss U~~~

I Miss U~~~


Miss My Dear sO muCh....

aLmosT oNe weeK didnt Meet uP v mY Dear oleDi~~~

Miss him sO much~~~

Miss hiS Kiss~~

Miss his Hug~~

Miss his smell~~

Miss everythg of him~~~