Saturday, August 23, 2008

BreaK TimE

ResulT ouT oLeDi......
Finally cOmplete d course......
wIll ContinuE mY deGree nEx year......
aLL d nexT intakE of my deGree coUrse wiLL bE nex yeaR JAN or FEB.....
So.... i WiLL haVE Few MonTh Freee.... i tHink!!!!

waT to Do durinG tIs breaK?????
FeeL liKe waN to fInd a joB n wOrk 1st.......
sO.... haVe anYone have joB TaT caN intrO for Me....???
HeHeHe~~~~ hOpe wILL fInd a JOb sOOnNNn~~~~

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