Tuesday, October 14, 2008

BdaY BdaY BdaY.....

YesTerDay was mY bdaY~~~~

acTually nothiNg special~~~KeKe~~~

wHen v R small..... loV to haVing a bday partY or sumthg.....

buT wHen im growing up,,, dUn thinK tat's very important anYmore......

Juz wisH haVe a sMall celebratiOn v family n frienDss~~~~

Tis yEar i haVinG a sMall celeBration v my Sweet frienDss.....

V gO ouT eaT n Chit-cHat.....

I wisH to Thanks for tHem~~~

Thanks ur gUys so mucH n Hope oUr frieNdship can b ever n EveR......

sHow sOme piCture 1sT....... xIxI~~~

1 comment:

Hanasta said...

Heheheheehehe Meizi sin coz tan....