Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Day TaT v Hang oUt togethEr~~

He n me had went to The Curve foR sHopinG....
FeeL liKe wanna watch a movie but v had watched 3 movie oledi,
so... in d end, v juz plan to walk walk n have a drink!

I lIke d decoration of the curve....
So cUtE~~~

I haD tOOk some pIc~~~
Let have a lOoK~~~

So NicE~~

I loV tIs elephanT~~

Is Me~~~

verY cutE~~ colourfuL~~

Then, i decide to drink at The apartment....
buT, it dissapoited mE...
sO saD!!!
No next tIme...

StupiD faCe...kaka~~~

yeaH... going bacK home n prepare to nex round at sunwaY piramid for our dinner~~

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