Family anD i were ceLebrate ouR little sweet hearT's bday together~!
acTually v r so rush tis year, daddy n brothers r rush their work,
so v juz decide to buy a small cake and celebrate at home~!
YeaH... wanna said again....
HappY Bday tO Bryan Tam~~!!
"Don't Move, i Have a gun Here!!"
Bryan, mY eldest brother and DanieL...
"where my present??" said Bryan.
DanieL, My Mummy, Bryan~~
So nice, vitagening!
"I waN tat fisH laaaaa......"
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Day TaT v Hang oUt togethEr~~
He n me had went to The Curve foR sHopinG....
FeeL liKe wanna watch a movie but v had watched 3 movie oledi,
so... in d end, v juz plan to walk walk n have a drink!
I lIke d decoration of the curve....
So cUtE~~~
I haD tOOk some pIc~~~
Let have a lOoK~~~
So NicE~~
I loV tIs elephanT~~
Is Me~~~
verY cutE~~ colourfuL~~
Then, i decide to drink at The apartment....
buT, it dissapoited mE...
sO saD!!!
No next tIme...
StupiD faCe...kaka~~~
yeaH... going bacK home n prepare to nex round at sunwaY piramid for our dinner~~
FeeL liKe wanna watch a movie but v had watched 3 movie oledi,
so... in d end, v juz plan to walk walk n have a drink!
I lIke d decoration of the curve....
So cUtE~~~
I haD tOOk some pIc~~~
Let have a lOoK~~~
So NicE~~
I loV tIs elephanT~~
Is Me~~~
verY cutE~~ colourfuL~~
Then, i decide to drink at The apartment....
buT, it dissapoited mE...
sO saD!!!
No next tIme...
StupiD faCe...kaka~~~
yeaH... going bacK home n prepare to nex round at sunwaY piramid for our dinner~~
My BrotheR...
feeL like wan wrIte somethg for my brother....
i Have 2 brothers,
today i juz write on 1 of them...
He is my eldest brother,
dUnwan type his name here ba..
Later He bcome famous than me dY.....
i type tis is want to wish him happy bday~~~
although his bday had past Oledi...
bUt stIll wisH him haPPy belated Bday~~
hOpe u wILL very happy in d future~~~
I kNow u have a new gf now,,
although u didnt mention to us.....
mayb is not very stabil yet,,
It's ok!!
Juz wish u n her can happy always
try to control abit bout ur attiduce or ur "pi qi"~~
oH yeS....
wanna say thankss you to u tooOOO~~~
thanks for buying me a new camera from Canon....
I like tIs so mUch~~~
appeciate wat im having noW......
i Hope all of us in our family wILL good in d future,
can stay happy foreveR!!
feeL like wan wrIte somethg for my brother....
i Have 2 brothers,
today i juz write on 1 of them...
He is my eldest brother,
dUnwan type his name here ba..
Later He bcome famous than me dY.....
i type tis is want to wish him happy bday~~~
although his bday had past Oledi...
bUt stIll wisH him haPPy belated Bday~~
hOpe u wILL very happy in d future~~~
I kNow u have a new gf now,,
although u didnt mention to us.....
mayb is not very stabil yet,,
It's ok!!
Juz wish u n her can happy always
try to control abit bout ur attiduce or ur "pi qi"~~
oH yeS....
wanna say thankss you to u tooOOO~~~
thanks for buying me a new camera from Canon....
I like tIs so mUch~~~
appeciate wat im having noW......
i Hope all of us in our family wILL good in d future,
can stay happy foreveR!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Im totally speechless sometime......
Makes me speechless almost d time....
I try to talk nicely and good v u....
But manytime, u make me feel very blue....
Make my mouth straight away stop n can't speak even a word....
Can u spend sometime tat can talk nicely when i trying to do so too???
Im talk nicely and repect u so much.....
I hope u can treat me like wat i treat u alwaYss........
Makes me speechless almost d time....
I try to talk nicely and good v u....
But manytime, u make me feel very blue....
Make my mouth straight away stop n can't speak even a word....
Can u spend sometime tat can talk nicely when i trying to do so too???
Im talk nicely and repect u so much.....
I hope u can treat me like wat i treat u alwaYss........
Thursday, December 11, 2008
PeopLe saiD...
everYppL hv thier own feeLing......
sO, all of us sure wiLL say everythg differently......
im one person tat caRe other ppl said~~
No matter is good or bad,
im CARE!!
SoMetime, it makes me feel not gOod....
I nOt sure y i care tis so much....
Mayb i scare something will lose or change in d future.....
But its make me suffer sometiMe.....
I want to learn to be NOT so care v other people saiD......
I dUnwan tO CARE wat u talk....
I hope i CAN do tIs.....
sO, all of us sure wiLL say everythg differently......
im one person tat caRe other ppl said~~
No matter is good or bad,
im CARE!!
SoMetime, it makes me feel not gOod....
I nOt sure y i care tis so much....
Mayb i scare something will lose or change in d future.....
But its make me suffer sometiMe.....
I want to learn to be NOT so care v other people saiD......
I dUnwan tO CARE wat u talk....
I hope i CAN do tIs.....
Monday, December 8, 2008
男 孩 與 女 孩
女生的心 常常因為你的小體貼而感動
如果你一直對我好 我可能就會喜歡你
女生的感情很豐富 喜歡你的我
會豪不保留的付出 天真的認為有天你就會懂
女生的心很容易受傷 所以我不輕易說出口
假如期望落空了 傷心難過很不好受
女生的心很倔降 總希望你先說
如果你也猶豫不決 或許我們就這樣錯過
在來後悔 為何當初不說
男生的心很脆弱 常常因為妳的小動作而心碎
如果妳一直若即若離 我怎麼敢喜歡妳
男生的心思很細密 喜歡妳的我
會不計一切的付出 單純的以為妳會懂得珍惜
男生的愛很不容易說出口 因為一但說出口
或許在也沒有或許了 彼此悲傷見面 真的很不好受
男生的心很懦弱 總怕傷心而緊閉雙唇
女生的心 常常因為你的小體貼而感動
如果你一直對我好 我可能就會喜歡你
女生的感情很豐富 喜歡你的我
會豪不保留的付出 天真的認為有天你就會懂
女生的心很容易受傷 所以我不輕易說出口
假如期望落空了 傷心難過很不好受
女生的心很倔降 總希望你先說
如果你也猶豫不決 或許我們就這樣錯過
在來後悔 為何當初不說
男生的心很脆弱 常常因為妳的小動作而心碎
如果妳一直若即若離 我怎麼敢喜歡妳
男生的心思很細密 喜歡妳的我
會不計一切的付出 單純的以為妳會懂得珍惜
男生的愛很不容易說出口 因為一但說出口
或許在也沒有或許了 彼此悲傷見面 真的很不好受
男生的心很懦弱 總怕傷心而緊閉雙唇
Friday, November 21, 2008
Do u know wat is this?
Can see it clear??
Bcos i cant see it clear toOoo....haha~~
tIs one is my bf's new pet....
A sugar glider....
It's name is CC....
D stupid name tat think by bf n mE~~~hehe~~
Tis one is a gIrl..... It is soOoOOOo cuTe.....
i Like it so Much~~~~
D clear picture.....
It is cute...rite??
I allost one week didnt see it oledi....
Miss it so much~~~
i miss it more tHan miss my bf....
Saturday, November 15, 2008
女孩其實已經在男人的樓下了,女孩是男人的部下, 女孩很多次對他表示出了好感,男人都巧妙地拒絕了。
男人知道年輕女孩的心是一張空白的紙, 他沒有資格在上面留下任何墨跡。
女孩手裡提著很多東西,還有一瓶紅酒,站在了男人的家門口, 男人說:那我下廚吧!
男人忙不迭地收拾房子,他偶然看見女孩忙碌的背影, 突然有了一種感動。
就那麼一會兒,他立即將這種片刻的感覺壓在了心底, 在另一間房子裏,他開始打電話約熟悉的朋友來家裏吃飯, 可是朋友們都不在。
過一會,女孩已經在喊他了,他到廚房猛地愣了, 女孩端給他的是一盤熱騰騰的餃子。
他最愛吃餃子了,可是平時他和女人都太忙,沒有時間包餃子, 兩盤餃子、幾碟小菜、一瓶紅酒,女孩的臉上柔柔的笑, 攪動了他的心。
說不清為什麼,他在女孩不注意的時候,關掉了手機, 拉上了陽台的簾。
他能聽到自己心跳的聲音,一瓶紅酒喝完了, 女孩就暈睡了, 就軟綿綿地倒在了男人懷裏。 男人承認女孩是美麗的,他緊緊地把她抱在懷裏,也就在那一刻, 他才感覺到女孩的身體是那樣的弱小, 在他寬闊的肩膀裏像個孩子似的睡著,像他的女兒,他的心猛地一顫。
女孩在他的床上睡去了,他輕輕地帶上了門,這時客廳的電話響了, 是女人和孩子打來的。
男人仍然喝著啤酒,不停地換著頻道,他分明聽到了女孩輕微的呼吸, 但是他努力地讓自己的心冷靜、再冷靜。
女孩醒來的時候已經是第二天早上,男人一夜未眠, 男人為女孩准備了早餐。
男人認真地說:生活是一種責任,就像這碗稀飯和煎蛋, 盡管老吃覺得沒有什麼味道,可是你每天還得做、還得吃, 有時甚至覺得它難吃,可是不吃心裏空蕩蕩的。
如果不愛或無法承受, 那麼就別輕易地將自己的心打開,
女孩其實已經在男人的樓下了,女孩是男人的部下, 女孩很多次對他表示出了好感,男人都巧妙地拒絕了。
男人知道年輕女孩的心是一張空白的紙, 他沒有資格在上面留下任何墨跡。
女孩手裡提著很多東西,還有一瓶紅酒,站在了男人的家門口, 男人說:那我下廚吧!
男人忙不迭地收拾房子,他偶然看見女孩忙碌的背影, 突然有了一種感動。
就那麼一會兒,他立即將這種片刻的感覺壓在了心底, 在另一間房子裏,他開始打電話約熟悉的朋友來家裏吃飯, 可是朋友們都不在。
過一會,女孩已經在喊他了,他到廚房猛地愣了, 女孩端給他的是一盤熱騰騰的餃子。
他最愛吃餃子了,可是平時他和女人都太忙,沒有時間包餃子, 兩盤餃子、幾碟小菜、一瓶紅酒,女孩的臉上柔柔的笑, 攪動了他的心。
說不清為什麼,他在女孩不注意的時候,關掉了手機, 拉上了陽台的簾。
他能聽到自己心跳的聲音,一瓶紅酒喝完了, 女孩就暈睡了, 就軟綿綿地倒在了男人懷裏。 男人承認女孩是美麗的,他緊緊地把她抱在懷裏,也就在那一刻, 他才感覺到女孩的身體是那樣的弱小, 在他寬闊的肩膀裏像個孩子似的睡著,像他的女兒,他的心猛地一顫。
女孩在他的床上睡去了,他輕輕地帶上了門,這時客廳的電話響了, 是女人和孩子打來的。
男人仍然喝著啤酒,不停地換著頻道,他分明聽到了女孩輕微的呼吸, 但是他努力地讓自己的心冷靜、再冷靜。
女孩醒來的時候已經是第二天早上,男人一夜未眠, 男人為女孩准備了早餐。
男人認真地說:生活是一種責任,就像這碗稀飯和煎蛋, 盡管老吃覺得沒有什麼味道,可是你每天還得做、還得吃, 有時甚至覺得它難吃,可是不吃心裏空蕩蕩的。
如果不愛或無法承受, 那麼就別輕易地將自己的心打開,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
BdaY celeBration of Ewen n Lesli~~~
actuallY manY thg to upload.....
Have manythg happen tis two weeK....
but Im so lazyyYyyYy.......
erM.... haVe many Picture tO uploAd..
Friends n Me weNt to Genting to Celebrate My Dear Lesli n Ewen's bday~~
Every year,, them celebrate bday together....
Ewen's bday is 8th of nov.... n Lesli is 10th nov....
so.... every year....
V make it easy....... will Celebrate together.....
Tis year v decide to go genting to celebrate their bday.....
i not dare drive to genting....
n ned to thanks...
Michelle, Aaron n Deng Long wish to drive there.....
V feelll daMn excited tIm.....
bcOs long time didnt gathering oledi...
V taKe lotsa picture.....
feeL cold there....
n allLL guys take out their shirt to taKe piC.....
D pIc i taKe Bfore gO ouT~~~
Aiyoyo~~~ waT them doIng a??/
Wah..... Sexy + StronG~~~
V like tO take piC...
aLL of us R happIng~~~
V r Leng zai n Leng lui~~~ wakaka~~~
End lOooOoooOo~~~~
Im very appecaite v our sweet friendship......
I hope v aLL will gOod in d future.......
FriendsshipPPpp forever n EVER~~~~
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
High School Musical 3
I juz came bacK from a movie......
wHich is......
High School Musical 3~~~
High School Musical 3~~~
Tis really is a very nice movie......
Bfore i goes in to the cinema....
I was think mayb it not a very nice movie....
Juz bcos i have d free movie ticket.....
theN i go to watch it.....
waT im thinking is wrong....
Tis really nice....
verY funny..... Meaningful..... Sweet.....
Something about Family love, Relationship, friendship, future~~~
I waS very enjoyed iT~~~
Monday, October 27, 2008
End Of October~~
Times Fly verY fast....
iS end of october dy.....
1 month english course at ELS will end tis week....
stIll thinking of wanna continue or stop....
neD to discuss v parent 1st.....
Feel like wanna continue bcos nothing to do......
N have a class of gOod classmaTe......
Feel abit lazY too~~~
monday till friday class....
8.001m till 3.30pm class.....
make me feel abit bored......
SOOOooo~~~~ stIll thinkinG n noT decide yet~~~
November is coming soon......
lot of friendss birthday at November.....
My younger sister tOo.....
n My BF tOoooo~~~
dUno buy what kind of present fOr him.....
my sister ask me better buy sumthg for him....
Bcos he spend a lot on ur bday.....
u didnt buy bday present for him laz year.....
sO i thinK better buy something la~~~~
waT should buy ler????
aNy idea???
iS end of october dy.....
1 month english course at ELS will end tis week....
stIll thinking of wanna continue or stop....
neD to discuss v parent 1st.....
Feel like wanna continue bcos nothing to do......
N have a class of gOod classmaTe......
Feel abit lazY too~~~
monday till friday class....
8.001m till 3.30pm class.....
make me feel abit bored......
SOOOooo~~~~ stIll thinkinG n noT decide yet~~~
November is coming soon......
lot of friendss birthday at November.....
My younger sister tOo.....
n My BF tOoooo~~~
dUno buy what kind of present fOr him.....
my sister ask me better buy sumthg for him....
Bcos he spend a lot on ur bday.....
u didnt buy bday present for him laz year.....
sO i thinK better buy something la~~~~
waT should buy ler????
aNy idea???
Thursday, October 16, 2008
She + He
She + He
Is me n boyfrieNd~~~
V reservE a rOOm at CItiteL hotel Mid Valley.....
V r spend ouR night at there......
Tat waS so greaT......
He likE d feel.... n me tOooOo~~~
InsiDe...... Haapy bDay.... darling spell wrong dy~~~
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
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