Sunday, March 9, 2008

HaPPy WeeKenD~~!!

i haVe paSs a HappY wEEkend........
HaHaHa~~~~ acTualLy dIdnt hv anY specaIL Thg haPpen... juZ noT boRinG in tiS weekenD!!! NormaLLy... weekend i sure wiLL be at Sister hOuse oR bacK to mY kamPUnG; laZ tiMe i wILL sTay here...PJ... but it haVe changE feW montH agO!! Now.... every weekend wiLL at Sister house expecT haVe anY specaiL daY Or hv aNy speciaL fUnction to aTTend....haha!!~~

firstly.... i wan tO wiSh MarcUs, Jane,Jack, Xiong.....happY bdaY!!!
n OsO mY sWeeT sisteR n MuMMy: HaPPy BdaY!!!
WisH u aLL haPPy N aLL d BesT for u aLL........
I loV u~~~~ MummY~~~~
besIde TaT..... I oSo waNna teLL mY sister ThaT haPPy n Glad taT i caN be ur sisTer~~~~

ErM.... acTuallY tis weeKend i havE plaN to stay at house n dO revision but......hahaha.... it didnt happen cOs Of my dear cUm to find me....kakaka~~~
Erm... Having a Great weekend wIth Him...
v gO shoppinG..... waTch movIe.......
n He OsO brinG me tO eaT many delicious fOod....hahaha~~~
Dear..... thanKs to accOmpany me to eaT thOse thG tat i liKe.....
acTually i have feeL soli coS every time u osos ned take care of me.........
u waNna to eat Sushi King... but bcOs of i dIslike so U dUn hv cHance to eat tat......
Its haPpen many ManY tIme dy......
I dIsliKe fast food...... bUt u like it......
u disLike spicY....... i Like it daMn mucH~~~~
anYwhere..... ThaNks fOr sO carIng me~~~~~
Lov u~~~~~
although sumtime v havIng trouble....... but for now.... i wILL appereciate u~~~~

aH~~~~ YaYaYa~~~~
d reSult of tis year election...... haIzzzz~~~~~
aDD oIL tO aLL~~~~
But i sTill support BN~~~
waKaKa~~~ Barisan National~~~~

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