Tuesday, March 11, 2008


erM..... as u can sEE my title...todaY is monday....haha~~~~
erM..... wake up at 11am.... very late Ho....kekeke~~~
aFter taT.... having mY blunch...... showeR....... N gO to 1U to fiNd my close Buddy..... JacK Khoo!
aftEr i arriVe.... stuPid Jack come tO brinG me n haVE a driNk to his famIly....
Its quite fUn... bcoS i look lIke his gf...... aLL is his family member n juz me tIs stupid friend join to join n distruB him....wakaka~~~ But acTuallY when i kNOw he waN to accompanY his famIly... i oledI saId dunwaN out tO distrUB hIm one....!!!! But tIs stupiD JacK...... asK to cOMe....Belong togethEr...... LooK lIke so Fun....hahaha~~~
aFter drInk.... JacK n me waS bring His younger Brother to waTch moviE..... AGAIN.... 10,000BC!!! i waS waTch tat laz weeKend but no cHoice... d little BoY waNNa waTch thIS.. sO i waTch it aGaiN!!!!
wHen aT nite.... JacK saId waNna bring his family to SS2 pasar malam...... i saId send me BacK hum 1st...... buT d stuPid waN me Join osos.....
Haiz..... dO u Know hoW malu of me..... Bcos i didnt bacK hum o change sHirt.... i weaR d saMe clothes tat wearIng to sHopping!!!! haIz..... there R sO manY ppL looK aT me in d pasaR maLam!!! U know d reasOns??? haiZ.... cOs where haVe ppl weaR so beautifUL to pasar malam one..... Malu n swt!!!!
Erm...... acTuallY todaY gO find JacK is to treat him for movie n stuff.... cos of his bday!!!! buT it didnt happen.... is he treat me....wakaka~~~
Jack~~~ own u one tiMe a~~~~~ nex time onLi treaT u........ u alwaYs see me oNE.... so dUn worry~~~ it muz be haPPen one daY!!! Juz dUNo which daY la.....kakaka~~~~
erM... haPPy bdaY to u aGain~~~~

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